Tuesday, March 10, 2009

"The Fastest Animal"

From many years it has been know as the fastest running animal on land is cheetah, and none of the other animals can beat its speed. It can run with the speed of 70 miles per hour.

But in the recent years it has become one of the endangered species. This is all due to extensive poaching that is making this spectacular animal reach extinction. Though there are many Cheetah programs that have been designed to protect Cheetah. Most of these programs are run by volunteers who have an interest in wildlife conservation.

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Saturday, March 7, 2009

"The Sandlot"

A latest bunch of locality kids will take over the field where they play baseball throughout the summer is the sequel of The Sandlot which was a 1993 box-office hit.

Its in the year 1972 and. Saul played by Cole Evan Weiss will be an unofficial head of the group, who leads the baseball team and also takes care of his younger brother, Sammy played by Sean Berdy, who is deaf but he is in the game for the play-by-play on the games using sign language.

Saul will have to manage the indignity of letting even the girls to play on his team, but things get even worse when one of them brings her dad's toy rocket to the field. This toy model by coincidence glides over the fence and lands in the yard of Mr. Mertle played by James Earl Jones who is the owner of the meanest dog in town, leaving the kids with a serious dilemma about getting it back.

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Clone Wars And Cad Bane

Cad Bane appears in Clone Wars March 20, 2009 on Cartoon Network. Cad Bane gets his opening during this seasons finale episode of Clone Wars titled Hostage Crisis.

Cad Bane has recently got the public introduction as the new bounty hunter character at WonderCon explains Bryan Young. The director of the series Dave Filoni says “Cade Bane has a lot more looser moral content than Jango ever had. He’ll shoot you dead, unless you offer him more money, and he might not and shoot the person who hired him dead.”

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Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Danger Radio

The Danger Radio has now parted with Bassist Marvin Kunkel. The popular band has released the following statement:

"As some of you may have already heard, the band recently parted ways with their long time bass player Marvin Kunkel. Here is a statement from the band regarding the circumstances. “Dear Danger Radio Fans… We regret to inform you that due to personal issues, Marvin will no longer be playing in the band. He was not only a fantastic bass player, but also a great friend. He spent nearly 9 years playing with the band, and we are all sad to see him go. We all wish Marvin the best in his future endeavors, whatever he chooses to do.” The band will be taking a friend out on the road with this them this spring to cover and shortly thereafter will announce a permanent replacement."

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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"Bill Gates House"

Bill Gate's extensive Washington state compound is completed protected and packed to the gills with bleeding-edge gear which includes from the heated floors and 20-seat home theater to the X-ray machine and also includes the miles of fiber-optic cabling.

But Bill Gates house is not allowed with i-Phones. In the latest issue of Vogue, Bill’s wife, Melinda Gates, reveals that among the “very few things” on “the banned list in our household is iPods and iPhones."

The two daughters and a son of Bill and Melinda aged 12, six, and nine, respectively, who’ll just have to smile and abide it as their little pals make merry with the latest and greatest iPod. Melinda also admits to an occasional twinge of Apple envy: “Every now and then I look at my friends and say, ‘Ooh, I wouldn’t mind having that iPhone."

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